Partnership is open to all government or public entities within the State of
Alabama that are subject to the State of Alabama Competitive Bid Law (Code of Alabama§41-16-50) and agree to
be governed by the cooperative's intergovernmental agreement.
How much does it cost?
Partnership fees are based on a percentage of the cooperative's operating
budget, derived from the size of the partner's budget relative to other partner's budget. Therefore,
annual charges for partners will vary. As more agencies join, the cost will decrease for each existing
partner due to spreading the operating costs over more participants.
Who calculates the partnership fee?
Partnership fees are calculated by PARCA, (Public Affairs Research Council
of Alabama) a non-profit agency.
What type information do I need to submit to calculate the
A copy of your most recent audited budget/ financial
How do we join?
In order to join, the chief executive of your agency signs the
intergovernmental agreement. This may require a resolution of the governing body to authorize the
executive to enter into this agreement. The signed agreement is submitted to the Jefferson County
Commission for approval.
How is PACA governed?
The Jefferson County Commission serves
as the host agency and is responsible for approving the intergovernmental agreement. An executive board,
made up of the chief executives of each of the participating agencies governs PACA. The executive board
is responsible for approving the by-laws of PACA and appointing representatives to the advisory board.
The advisory board is composed of individuals involved with purchasing from each agency. The advisory
board is responsible for working with the coordinator to identify the commodities to be jointly bid and
determine the specifications for those items.